Sunday, August 28, 2005

This town.

I saw something today that really made me realize that I live in a great town.

While driving through town today I saw a young man. Fairly nondescript. Short hair, goatee, black wife beater and jeans. Walking with a bit of a strut. Could have been anyone. But, here's where it gets interesting. He was carrying a pair of purple and black butterfly wings in one hand. These were very elaborate wings. They had silver metal things all over it. As if it had been bedazzled. Very interesting.

Nowhere else in Kansas will you see a young man walking down the main street in town carrying a pair of butterfly wings.

Now, he was obviously trying real hard at looking as badass as possible. His strut was very pronounced. He looked like someone who wouldn't take any shit. But, dude, you're carrying butterfly wings. Why? I would really like to know. Not to belittle you for it. It's just really bugging me why a grown man would feel the need to walk through town with them.

Maybe I'm just being shallow. Allowing my prejudices to shine through. But...... Nahhh... It was silly. But at the same time gave me another reason to love this town.

You go, you badass butterfly wing carrying dude. You rock.

I hope you got where you were going and the wings got put to whatever use they were meant for.

Gotta Go


Piggy's Dead

Denis 'Piggy' D'Amour has passed away.

Nobody reading this will probably know who the hell he was, but that's not the point of this post.

But, I'll tell you who he was anyway. Piggy was a guitar player. He played guitar in Voivod. A Canadian metal band, around for years. Though never making it "big" he and his band have kept making albums and making a living doing what they loved. In recent years Voivod added to it's ranks Jason Newsted, formerly of Metallica. Voivod, and Piggy, have been highly influential in the metal world.

Now, this post truly isn't about his death, or his life or the music he made. This post is about peoples reactions to the death of famous or influential people.

While reading the posts about his death on Blabbermouth it struck me just how vile, idiotic and just less than human some people are.

While never a fan of Voivod, I could respect where they were coming from. And could respect their desire to be themselves, and not a clone of whatever was out on the scene at the time.

But, upon reading about his death, it became not what my opinion of Voivods music was. It became about sadness at a talented individual passing.

Why does it matter now what anyone's opinions of his music are? If you can't see that a human being has passed and that that person has family, friends and fans who are mourning his passing, then screw you. Keep your idiotic opinions to yourself.

Just because you want to shock people and to prove how "metal" you are doesn't matter to me. You are an idiot.

People just don't think. What would they do if someone made disparaging comments about a family member of theirs upon their passing? They'd probably be hurt and want to beat some ass. So, have some fucking compassion morons.

The same thing happened last week when the singer from Parallax died. Stupid comments about how much his band sucked. Or whatever.

Same thing when Dimebag died. People are idiots.

Yeah, I've got a negative attitude. Sometimes people really piss me off.

Gotta Go.


Friday, August 26, 2005

It's emptiness that fills the cup.

What a night. Horrible to be exact. Whatever could go wrong, did go wrong. Had the lowest numbers since I got this job. I knew that it wouldn't always be perfectly easy, but I hate not performing well.

The problem is though, it's not our fault. If the lines were performing like they should, we'd have no problems getting the numbers we need. But, life's not always perfect, shit happens.

Tonight, it became, not whether we could get good numbers. It became whether we could just set up 3rd shift to have a decent night. I think I was able to do that. I hope so.

That was part of our problem tonight. 1st shift didn't set us up very well. I'm not blaming them, they tried. But when the lines get as far behind as they have, you can't do much.

Anyway, the title of my whiny little post is a lyric from a Lamb of God song. (I know, "Imagine that, he's figured out some way to bring music into his post.) Shush! I heard this line as I was driving home from work feeling bad about our night. I realize it's a kinda negative line, but I'm not always the ray of sunshine you all believe me to be. I just felt it kinda summed up the mood I was in.

Gotta Go


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Why not sue the band too while you're at it.

Terrible injury Same terrible injury

OK. Let's get this out in the open first. I feel bad about this guys injury. I hate to see anyone get hurt. It sucks, plain and simple.

BUT!!!!! It's NOT the venues fault.

If you must play the blame game, I think the blame can be equally shared by the fucknut who bashed him, and the victim himself.

Don't sit there with your mouths open shaking your heads. Yes, I said the victim was to blame too.

How? I'm assuming you're asking, how is the victim to blame? Or, maybe I'm assuming someone may actually be reading this. But, anyway, on with my puny thoughts.

Yes, he is to blame. He went to this concert. This concert featured a couple of high energy bands, 311 and Papa Roach. He decided to go onto the floor. What was he thinking? Has he never been to a concert? Has he never seen a concert on tv? Never seen a rock video? Well, maybe not. MTV doesn't show a whole lot of videos, let alone rock ones.

Damn dude. These types of shows invariably have pits at them. People go nuts. If you don't think you can hang, don't go on the floor. It's pretty simple.

I've been to a lot of shows. I always go in the pit. And, yes, I've been hurt. But, I understand the danger. I've never been hurt as bad as this guy, but it could happen. The thing, though, that keeps me safer then this guy is, I pay attention to my surroundings. I become aware of who the idiots are and try and avoid them.

I've also ran into several people who didn't belong in the pit. Invariably they are the ones who get hurt.

So, anyway, there's no reason to sue the venue. It's truly not their fault. Could they have done more to help a paying customer? Sure. Still doesn't mean they are to blame.

This guy just needs to realize that in life you're gonna take some lumps. Unfortunately for him, he took a pretty bad one this time. Hopefully he has gained some wisdom from it.

Gotta Go


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

2nd Grade

My daughter's first day of 2nd grade was today. Nikki and I took her to school and walked her to class. She seemed a bit nervous but was fairly calm about the whole thing.

She looked very grown up this morning. She went to the salon last night and got her hair done in double french braids. She thought she was so cool...... and she was. I know she's going to have fun and do well in school this year. She's my baby girl and all I hope for is that she does her best and enjoys herself.

Gotta Go


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Song Titles.....

Alright, I guess I better make a post of PROPER song titles for Clutch songs. Nothing bothers me more than people referring to Clutch songs by the wrong titles. :)

Anyway, here's a list of some, only some, of Clutch's best songs, (properly titled, of course). This'll be a kinda best of list for anyone wanting to check them out for themselves.

Off the Wicker EP:

Off of their Impetus EP:
Pile Driver
Passive Restraints

Off of their Transnational Speedway League CD:
A Shogun Named Marcus
El Jefe Speaks
Binge And Purge
12 Ounce Epilogue
Milk Of Human Kindness
Walking In The Great Shining Path Of Monster Trucks

Off of their Clutch CD:
Big News I
Big News II
Rock N Roll Outlaw
Texan Book Of The Dead
Escape From The Prison Planet
Spacegrass <---my daughters favorite
I Have The Body Of John Wilkes Booth
Tight Like That
Animal Farm
The House That Peterbilt
7 Jam
Tim Sult vs. The Greys

Off of their Elephant Riders CD:
The Elephant Riders
Ship Of Gold
Eight Times Over Miss October
The Soapmakers
Muchas Veces
Green Buckets

Off of their Jam Room CD:
Who Wants To Rock
Big Fat Pig
One Eye Dollar
Raised By Horses
Release The Kraken

Off of their Pure Rock Fury CD:
American Sleep
Pure Rock Fury
Open Up The Border
Careful With That Mic
Great Outdoors
Smoke Banshee
Drink To The Dead

Off of their Slow Hole To China: Rare And Unreleased CD:
Slow Hole To China
Nickel Dime
Sea Of Destruction
Rising Son
Willie Nelson
Day Of The Jackalope

Off of their Blast Tyrant CD:
Profits Of Doom
The Mob Goes Wild <--- another of my daughters favorites.
Cypress Grove
Worm Drink
Army Of Bono
Spleen Merchant
Swollen Goat
Subtle Hustle
La Curandera
English Pounds

Off of their Robot Hive/Exodus CD:
The Incomparable Mr. Flannery
Burning Beard
Never Be Moved
Circus Maximus
10,000 Witnesses
Land Of Pleasant Living
Gravel Road

I told you a take Clutch VERY seriously. Anyway, all of these songs are great, in my opinion. Any of them would be a good start to see what Clutch is about. The best full album is Blast Tyrant, no question. Close second is their self titled Clutch album.

Also, for the lyrics to these songs, go to: Clutch Lyrics That's the lyrics page of the Clutch website. Check it out. It's one of the best band websites I've seen. They have videos, live videos, live music, fan artwork, fan tattoos, tour info, etc. Great site.

So, this has been a long ass post. Check out these songs, if you like them, buy the albums they came off of. If you don't like them, that's fine, I'll keep Clutch as MY BAND.

Gotta Go.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Might Be

Tonight might be the last night of the week at work. Not sure, overtime has been posted, but 2nd shift might get out of it. I hope we do. I'm bushed. It's taking me awhile to get used to 2nd shift hours.

I'm getting into the swing of the job though, I think. We've had a pretty good week tier wise, which is good, and I think I've done a fair job of setting up 3rd shift to have some pretty good nights.

I've missed Nikki something horrible all week. We've talked on the phone for a few minutes each day during her lunch break, but that's not nearly the same. I think the kids have been doing alright for her during the evenings. I'll find out more this weekend. I hope they have, especially the boy. I hope he's been having decent bedtimes.

Love ya Nikki. I'll talk to you and actually see you tonight when I get off work.

Gotta Go


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

First night.

My first night on 2nd shift went well. Not perfect, but well. I've got to get into the groove of second shift and my new position. Shouldn't take long. We'll see. Thought about Nikki and the kids a bunch tonight. Especially around 8:30/9:00. That's bedtime, and when the boy can be a beast. I'll find out in the morning how much of a headache he was. Hopefully he wasn't bad. But I'm sure he wasn't perfect.

Gotta Go


Friday, August 05, 2005

Pro Pain

It seems that for Pro Pain war is a muse. It's been 13 years since Pro Pains first album "Foul Taste Of Freedom" was unleashed on the world. It's been 13 years of exceptional hardcore by this exceptional band. But none of the albums over the past 13 years has been quite as good as that first album.

Until now. With the release of "Prophets Of Doom" they are back in form. Always political, Pro Pain has taken their anger at the current war and the current Bush in the White House and funneled it into possibly the best album of their careers.

From the first drumbeat of 'Neocon' you feel the anger that this album is fueled by. With song titles such as 'Un-American', 'Operation Blood For Oil' and 'Days Of Shame' there is no way you can confuse them with some radio friendly pop punk band. This is hardcore. In your face and on the governments case.

Now, before you label them as just a left wing band whose only goal is to knock conservatives, think again. During Clintons presidency they had songs questioning his ability to lead. Such as the song 'Political Suicide' off their "Contents Under Pressure" album. But, as I said, I think that war is Pro Pains muse.

They take the anger and pain that is war and drive it home musically.

An amazing album by an amazing band. Just what I needed to break me out of my rut.

One last thing though. Pro Pain really needs to tour the US. Come back home guys and don't forget to hit Lawrence, KS on your next US tour.

Gotta Go


PS. I'd love the chance to play rythm guitar on 'Foul Taste Of Freedom' with ya. Worth a shot.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's been fun.

Tonight's my last night on 3rd shift. It's been fun, I guess, what with the lack of sleep and all. But, for the most part, it's been pretty good. Most of the guys on 3rd are good guys, I just think that the collective lack of sleep leads to more misunderstandings than other shifts.

Monday afternoon I start 2nd shift. Looking forward to it. I've already pinpointed several areas that I need to work on to get 2nd shift moving a bit smoother. Having worked 3rd for awhile I've seen the affect of following a shift that is seemingly not working as smoothly as it should. Paperwork not done properly, material not staged correctly and other stuff. I've got some work ahead of me, but we'll get it done. It's all good.

It's all about getting your work done but also setting up the next shift to make the shift transition smooth.

Gotta Go


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Dropkick Murphys

Dropkick Murphys, a great punk band from Boston, have a song on their newest album that I want to talk about. I've seen 'em a couple of times when they've come through town, always put on a great show. They wear their Boston/Irish roots on their sleeves. Good working mans band.

Anyway, they've got a great song on their newest album called "Last Letter Home". The song when you listen is standard Boston hardcore/Dropkick Murphys punk. Catchy chant along chorus all you'd expect from them. What really gets me is how they set up the verses. The verses are like a series of letters from a soldier and his family. Here are the lyrics:

"Last Letter Home"

Hello there my dearest love
Today I write to you about our sons
The boys start school today
They're the spitting image of you in every way

Hey son it's Dad
I hope this letter finds you well out of harm's way
We saw the news today it frightened you Mom
Now all she does is pray

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

Hey Melissa it's me don't be afraid
I'm in good hands I'm gonna be home soon
It's time to watch the children grow up
I wanna be more than a voice on the phone

Thanks Ma I got your package today
I love "The Fields Of Athenry"
I swear I want 'em to play that song on the pipes
At My funeral when I die

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

I stand alone in the distance
And the foreground slowly moves

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

"We regret to inform you that on January 28th Sgt. Andrew
Farrar died while serving his country in the Al-Anbar province
of Iraq. Words cannot convey our sorrow."

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

When there's nothing on the horizon
You've got nothin left to prove

If I lead will you follow?

Great song. Thank you Dropkick Murphys for writing a song that has touched me the way this one has. Just amazing.

I'll leave it at that. If you can, find this song. I'll let you take away from it what you will.

Gotta Go


And, by the way, the soldier mentioned in the last verse, was a real soldier. And he did die in Iraq. Just one of many sad sad stories from this war.