Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dollar Bill

So, anyway. It's been awhile, I know.

So, today I was sitting playing my guitar, something I've been doing a lot more of lately. I love it. It's a wonderful way to spend some time. So, what I've done is make a folder with songs in it that I know how to play and love to play and other songs I don't know but really want to learn. I usually just put these songs into winamp and put it on random and just play along with whatever comes up. It's really helped my playing, I think.

While doing this a song came up that I've loved for years. I've never, for whatever reason, learned how to play it. This song is Dollar Bill by Screaming Trees. Wonderful song. The thing that amazed me is that this song is so simple. Three chords make up the whole song. Three stinking chords and it makes such a powerful musical statement. Mark Lanegans voice is amazing. The dynamics in the song are amazing. The song is just, you guessed it, amazing. For some reason Screaming Trees never made it as big as their peers in the "grunge" movement. They really should have, if only for this song.

If you can download it, buy it, steal it, tape it off a friend. Whatever it takes find this song. You won't be disappointed.

It's amazing... really.

Gott Go
