Thursday, May 29, 2008

CLUTCH - Sea Of Destruction

Well, anyway. Just me playing along to a CLUTCH song... enjoy!


Blogger Ben Sutherland said...


How the hell are you?

Great stuff, dude. How cool to be able to hear you play on your blog. You're pretty good, Kenny. I need someone to play guitar at my wedding if I ever get a girlfriend, so if you're available:)...

How's life, dude? Josh has kept me awares of the goings on at Amarr. Miss that place. Talk about it all the time with my kids (the stuff I can share, of course:).

We'll have to get together sometime, Kenny, just to hear how you're doin'. Weekends are better for me. We'll have to find a time.

I'm at a new school, now, Kenny, and I haven't seen my rock star kid in awhile. But hopefully he got him some ideas and some encouragement to take up his dream, if that's what he still wants to do. What I do know is that I've got a whole shitload of new bands I know, today, from these little munchkins. So many bands. So little time. We'll have to share sometime.

When we get a chance, we should hang out sometime, dude. My number is 785 218 1670. My email is We'll find some time, soon.

I better get to work, here, dude. Talk later.


5:26 AM  

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