Tuesday, August 09, 2005

First night.

My first night on 2nd shift went well. Not perfect, but well. I've got to get into the groove of second shift and my new position. Shouldn't take long. We'll see. Thought about Nikki and the kids a bunch tonight. Especially around 8:30/9:00. That's bedtime, and when the boy can be a beast. I'll find out in the morning how much of a headache he was. Hopefully he wasn't bad. But I'm sure he wasn't perfect.

Gotta Go



Blogger Ben Sutherland said...

It's good to hear that everything is going well, Kenny:):)...they look like they have some good guys on second shift:):)...

We're managing on third shift...I'm staging a lot, as you can imagine:):)...and hoping that a school job comes through:):)...


9:35 AM  

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