Saturday, July 23, 2005

Music...... Again.

Read a little something today that really bothered me.

As everybody who knows me, or who reads this regularly (yeah right, who am I kidding), knows, I like music, mostly of the heavier persuasion. But, I do like other stuff, despite my wife's insistance to the contrary.

Anyway, as I stated, I read an article today that bothered me. While reading the articles at Blabbermouth I read a story about Korn. Now Korn isn't my favorite band. I liked them alot for their first two albums, then they lost their luster and became secondary to other music. I saw them a couple of times on their first couple tours, they put on a great show. But, now for the thing that bothered me. Recently they lost one of their guitarists to religion. More power to him. If that's what he needs, good for him. That's not what bothered me today. They've announced his replacement. His name is Rob Patterson. He used to play in the band OTEP. They are a decent band, not my favorite but not bad. Good at what they do. Anyway, that isn't what bothered me. Here IS what bothers me. While on tour with Korn this replacement guitarist WILL NOT BE ON STAGE. He will be playing from offstage, unseen by the crowd.

HOW FREAKING LAME ASS IS THAT???? I don't understand it. Why, in any stretch of the imagination, would Korn think this is cool?

Why would the guitarist agree to it? For the money? Screw that.

Korn is just lying to themselves and the fans that will be there to see them. If you are going to have 4 musicians and a singer performing, they damn well better all be on stage.

I couldn't, as a guitar player myself, agree to this. This guitar player has spent, most likely, years perfecting his art. He deserves to be on stage with the other musicians performing. Receiving the adoration of the fans. And showcasing his ability. He didn't spend years holed up in his bedroom and practice rooms, just to end up holed up backstage, performing to the stagehands, who are too busy to care.

Korn, you really need to do the right thing, as a band, and put him out front, with the band. He deserves your respect. If you think he's talented enough to play FOR your band, he's damn well talented enough to play IN your band.

Gotta Go



Blogger Ben Sutherland said...

Totally agree, Kenny:):):)...I probably don't know Korn as well as you, Kenny:)...or OTEP (I had a roommate who was a huge OTEP/Mushroomhead/Gwar fan):)...

But...way lame for dude to not come on and play with the band:)...sounds like someone or someones somewhere need to come to terms with the fact that they lost a member:)...and move on to the new band and enjoy playing the music:)...



8:20 AM  

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