Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Nonconventional Patriotic Music

I've got a song in my head. It happens all the time. I listen to a song and then that song plays over and over in my head, sometimes for days. It can be annoying. But this time, it's different. This song is making me feel patriotic. Shush. I hear what you're saying, "the flaming liberal patriotic, yeah whatever." But, it's true.

What's that you're asking? What is this song of blind patriotism that's hit him so hard? Made him want to wrap himself in the flag while shooting off roman candles in each hand? Well, I'll tell you. That song is Murder The Government by NOFX

Settle down people. I know, this isn't your typical "America the beautiful, everything else sucks" sort of patriotic anthem. But, it is, all the same a patriotic song. I see you still have your doubts. Well, let me write the lyrics then I'll explain. Hope I don't get sued.

I wanna see the constitution burn
Wanna Watch the White House overturn
Wanna witness some blue blood bleed fucking red

I wanna tar and lynch the KKK
I wanna pull and shoot the NRA

Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, And then do it again yeah
Murder the government, Murder the government
Murder the government, and then
Murder the government

Awesome. Are they Imagine by John Lennon? No. But they serve the purpose set out for them.

I realize you probably can't see any sign of patriotism in these lyrics. I say you aren't looking deep enough. The patriotism lies in the fact that they had the freedom to write these lyrics. They used their freedom of expression to raise a voice of dissent. Their is no more patriotic thing in my opinion.

So, on this Independence Day, I'll be listening to this and other "patriotic" songs and basking in the freedoms that living in America gives me.

Links to other "patriotic" songs:

Amerika The Brutal - Six Feet Under
Now You've Got Something To Die For - Lamb Of God
Idiots Are Taking Over - NOFX
The Mob Goes Wild - Clutch
Foul Taste Of Freedom - Pro Pain
American Dreams - Pro Pain

And many, many more.

Gotta Go


Monday, June 27, 2005

Powerful Writing.

No. The title doesn't refer to my skills as a writer. haha... whatever.

Actually, I found a blog by a person of faith that I thought was very good. As many who will read this know, I'm an atheist. Well, I got a response here at my blog from a gentleman so I followed his link to his blog. I was very impressed.

The one entry that really struck me was this one: I Yelled At G-d Please go and read it. If you like it please let him know.

Now, has this totally changed my mind about religion? No. But, it has helped me understand at least one persons struggle with their faith. It's very powerful stuff in my opinion.

Gotta Go


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Music and violence

Alright, I'm bummed.

I love music. All types really. Well, not all, new country and what passes for r&b/pop on the radios these days aren't my thing. But, anything written and performed, by a band or performer, solely because they love music, is OK with me. If you become a musician only to become rich, stay away from me, it shows through in the music you perform.

Anyway, why am I bummed?

One of my favorite bands had violence flare up at their show the other night. Corrosion Of Conformity were playing a show in Florida when some moron in the crowd decided that he'd start stabbing people. How fucking lame is that? I don't care what anyone thinks of metal music, it's not the music or band that caused this lame fuck to do what he did. The blame lies solely with HIM. I don't care how much he may have drank that night. Or how much grass he smoked. Or even what his daddy may have done to him as a child. When you pull out a knife and stab four people, killing one, YOU are to blame. NO ONE else.

Now, the media, I'm sure, is going to blow this up, laying blame where it doesn't belong. Whether it's the bands, the lyrics, the imagery or the culture that you want to blame, the truth of the matter is that's not where the blame lies. Millions of people have gone to metal shows through the years, very little violence has happened at these shows. Metal music and shows are a release. You listen to music, any type, for enjoyment. You go to shows to see your favorite bands, have a good time and get a bit of aggresion out in the pit. It's cathartic. You scream, you yell the words, you bounce off the other people in the pit you have FUN. That's it. It's all about fun.

When someone like this idiot, or the idiot who shot Dimebag Darrell last December, do what they do, it only reinforces the negative opinion of Metal and it's fans by people who just don't get it. Remember, 99.99999999999% of all people who go to metal shows leave those shows with smiles on their faces and ALIVE. But, unfortunately, it only takes one incident such as this to screw things up for everyone. Hopefully bands don't change how they do things because of these incidents. And, also hopefully, I can continue to go to shows without a police prescence in the crowd.

I'm done. Get in the pit, I'll see ya there. But most of all, have FUN while you're there.

Gotta Go


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Jobs and Happiness

Am I the only American worker happy with the company they work for?

Just a question.

The company I work for is great. Am I always happy with the JOB I do for said company? No. Do I bitch about the company just because it's the American way? No. People need to get over this "poor, poor me attitude" when it comes to their jobs. Go to work, do your job, go home and live your life for the other 16 hours in the day. Their is no reason to go to work angry and bitter about your lot in life, then go home the same way. Once you walk out the door, all worries are gone.

Now, is this to say that people shouldn't want the company they work for to improve actual problems in the workplace? No. But, just standing around bitching to others who are just standing around bitching, gets you nowhere. If one has true issues with the policies of a company, maybe one should take those issues higher. One activist within a company can make a change, if nobodies willing to be that activist then maybe everyone should just stop bitching.

Now, the happiness part.

Another cool band coming to town. Life Of Agony is coming. Problem? They are coming the day before the C.O.C. show. I'm either going to have to come up with a little more money or make a choice between the two..... what a choice.

My daughter has a softball game tonight. Big fun.

Gotta Go.

This idiots signing off.


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Whining and C.O.C.

Well, it's been a rough past couple of days here. First, as you know, I didn't get the job I was bidding on, then the guy I hoped had, didn't, so his job isn't open for bidding. Gotta see what comes up now. I'm truly burnt on my current position. Now, I've been diagnosed with impetigo, not as bad as it reads, though it is bothersome. It's just a skin condition, common in children, but anyone can get it. Forced me to leave work early Friday and go to the doctor for the first time in probably 15 years. Got some meds for it and they appear to be working, at least I'm not itching myself raw. I had to call in Friday night for mandatory overtime, I had to, I was miserable. I really needed to go, we really need the money, but their was no way.

What else? Oh, yeah, my wife informed me that Corrosion Of Conformity/Alabama Thunderpussy and Fu Manchu are coming here in July, three great bands. Gotta see it.

Well, it's late here, I think I'll wrap it up.

Gotta Go


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Just wasn't to be this time.

Didn't get the job. Oh well. I'll try again for another job. I'm actually, after 5 years getting kinda burnt out on doing my current job. If who I hope does get the job then I'll just bid on his and hopefully get it. That would be alright.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

No news is...... well no news.

Haven't heard yet about the job I'm trying for at work. I'm guessing they have a few people to interview before they make a decision, but it's frustrating. I've got ideas that I'd like to get implemented if they would just give me the job.

So, it's warmed up quite a bit here the past few days. I hate summer. Can't stand it when it's hot. And trying to sleep during the day with an air conditioner that needs help is killing me. I don't like to sweat while I sleep. Hopefully we can get a new unit installed by next summer. That would be nice.

I love The Onion. Their story on Bush Lifts Ban On Vigilantism cracked me up. It's to bad that I can see our president doing this. I'm not a fan to say the least, at least this is a joke. Unlike the past 5 years.

Gotta Go


Sunday, June 05, 2005

WOF And More Rain

Went to Worlds Of Fun for the company picnic today. Had a great time. The kids absolutely loved it, except my son was to short for a lot of the rides. My daughter rode several rollercoasters, she said she didn't like them (I think she liked them. Just likes to be melodramatic), but at least she rode them. Just before we left we rode one of the water rides and they took a picture of us as we were going down the last drop. We had to buy it. Both kids faces were priceless, they both looked like they were scared silly.

On the way home we ran into a bit of a rainstorm. It got so bad we had to pull to the side of the road because our wipers couldn't clear the window. We weren't the only ones pulled to the side. While sitting on the side of the road the winds picked up and we couldn't see anything out any of the windows and the van moved a couple of inches to the side. It was freaky. Finally it let up enough to continue down the road.

Gotta Go


Friday, June 03, 2005

Interviewed and Drowned

Went to my interview this morning. Went pretty well. Stumbled on a couple of the questions, basically because I don't like talking about myself. That sounds kinda funny now that I've typed it out. Isn't this blog basically me talking about myself??? Oh well.

When I left work after the interview it was raining. Actually, raining isn't the word for it. We were in the middle of a deluge. I got completely soaked running to my vehicle. It was crazy. Driving home there was standing water everywhere. The truck was getting pulled around like crazy.

Well, that's it for now.

Gotta Go


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Hackers and Interviews

I'm on several message boards on Well, they got hacked, the whole ezboard system got taken down. Several boards I'm on got hit hard. Entire forums gone, those forums that are still up you can't post replies on. Crazy stuff. I am in awe of the hackers ability, but pissed that he/she would do it to a message board site. Go after something worthwhile. What does it prove when you screw with peoples ability to discuss their kids, or politics, or the price of tea in China? Nothing. Go hit a site that people would notice you hitting. Take down something a bit more challenging.

I've got an interview Friday morning for the supervisor position at work. We'll see, I'm not sure who else applied. Should be interesting.

Gotta go
