Thursday, June 16, 2005

Jobs and Happiness

Am I the only American worker happy with the company they work for?

Just a question.

The company I work for is great. Am I always happy with the JOB I do for said company? No. Do I bitch about the company just because it's the American way? No. People need to get over this "poor, poor me attitude" when it comes to their jobs. Go to work, do your job, go home and live your life for the other 16 hours in the day. Their is no reason to go to work angry and bitter about your lot in life, then go home the same way. Once you walk out the door, all worries are gone.

Now, is this to say that people shouldn't want the company they work for to improve actual problems in the workplace? No. But, just standing around bitching to others who are just standing around bitching, gets you nowhere. If one has true issues with the policies of a company, maybe one should take those issues higher. One activist within a company can make a change, if nobodies willing to be that activist then maybe everyone should just stop bitching.

Now, the happiness part.

Another cool band coming to town. Life Of Agony is coming. Problem? They are coming the day before the C.O.C. show. I'm either going to have to come up with a little more money or make a choice between the two..... what a choice.

My daughter has a softball game tonight. Big fun.

Gotta Go.

This idiots signing off.



Blogger Ben Sutherland said...


I'm not writing about you, obviously...I'm just EXHAUSTED with all the stupid efforts to force greater productivity which, if last night should be evidence of anything, have clearly not worked...

I would talk to a higher up more directly had I not been fired from two previous jobs for talking more directly to higher ups...

If higher ups are open to that conversation, then they need to signal it...if not, this is a just a job for me until I get a new one...I'm not going through that shit, again...I'm the only provider in my home, right now, and I can't afford to lose this job, right now...I don't like to play life that way...but the constant threats and follow-through on firings fucks up a lot of shit, and this is just one very obviously fucked up impact that it has...

I don't know what to do anymore, Kenny...I feel like I've said my peace about this stuff...I just don't feel like anyone really listens...

...including just listening to me when I say that I'm tired and I'm exhausted and I need a break...but can't have one...


6:37 PM  
Blogger Ben Sutherland said...


I feel like I'm Luke Skywalker being zapped by the Emperor "for my own good":):):):):):):)...

I'm tired of being zapped:):):)...


6:40 PM  
Blogger Kenny said...

This wasn't directed at just you. Yeah, the impetus for this post was our conversation last night at work, but, it stems from working for 18 years in jobs similar to this one and hearing nonproductive complaining from everyone.

Don't take it to much to heart. It's not ABOUT you.

7:12 PM  

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