Sunday, June 12, 2005

Whining and C.O.C.

Well, it's been a rough past couple of days here. First, as you know, I didn't get the job I was bidding on, then the guy I hoped had, didn't, so his job isn't open for bidding. Gotta see what comes up now. I'm truly burnt on my current position. Now, I've been diagnosed with impetigo, not as bad as it reads, though it is bothersome. It's just a skin condition, common in children, but anyone can get it. Forced me to leave work early Friday and go to the doctor for the first time in probably 15 years. Got some meds for it and they appear to be working, at least I'm not itching myself raw. I had to call in Friday night for mandatory overtime, I had to, I was miserable. I really needed to go, we really need the money, but their was no way.

What else? Oh, yeah, my wife informed me that Corrosion Of Conformity/Alabama Thunderpussy and Fu Manchu are coming here in July, three great bands. Gotta see it.

Well, it's late here, I think I'll wrap it up.

Gotta Go



Blogger Ben Sutherland said...

I was kind of wondering if that was bothering you last night, Kenny:):):)...I just kind of noticed that we were talking a lot more and I wondered if maybe you were feeling a little burned out:):)...

Sorry about the impetigo, bud:):) hardly notice, if that's any consolation:):)...

Great discussion, last night:):):)...I hope we get to work on the same crew again tonight:):):)...

Sounds like some great bands:):)...I'll have to find out about them more tonight:):)...


4:32 PM  

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