Tuesday, June 07, 2005

No news is...... well no news.

Haven't heard yet about the job I'm trying for at work. I'm guessing they have a few people to interview before they make a decision, but it's frustrating. I've got ideas that I'd like to get implemented if they would just give me the job.

So, it's warmed up quite a bit here the past few days. I hate summer. Can't stand it when it's hot. And trying to sleep during the day with an air conditioner that needs help is killing me. I don't like to sweat while I sleep. Hopefully we can get a new unit installed by next summer. That would be nice.

I love The Onion. Their story on Bush Lifts Ban On Vigilantism cracked me up. It's to bad that I can see our president doing this. I'm not a fan to say the least, at least this is a joke. Unlike the past 5 years.

Gotta Go



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